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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Feverish \Fe"ver*ish\, a.
   1. Having a fever; suffering from, or affected with, a
      moderate degree of fever; showing increased heat and
      thirst; as, the patient is feverish.

   2. Indicating, or pertaining to, fever; characteristic of a
      fever; as, feverish symptoms.

   3. Hot; sultry. ``The feverish north.'' --Dryden.

   4. Disordered as by fever; excited; restless; as, the
      feverish condition of the commercial world.

            Strive to keep up a frail and feverish bing.
      -- {Fe"ver*ish*ly}, adv. -- {Fe"ver*ish*ness}, n.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: marked by intense agitation or emotion; "worked at a
            feverish pace" [syn: {hectic}]
     2: of or relating to or characterized by fever; "a febrile
        reaction caused by an allergen" [syn: {febrile}] [ant: {afebrile}]
     3: having or affected by a fever [syn: {feverous}]
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