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fife rail

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fife \Fife\, n. [F. fifre, OHG. pf[=i]fa, LL. pipa pipe, pipare
   to play on the pipe, fr. L. pipire, pipare, to peep, pip,
   chirp, as a chiken. See {Pipe}.] (Mus.)
   A small shrill pipe, resembling the piccolo flute, used
   chiefly to accompany the drum in military music.

   {Fife major} (Mil.), a noncommissioned officer who
      superintends the fifers of a regiment.

   {Fife rail}. (Naut.)
   (a) A rail about the mast, at the deck, to hold belaying
       pins, etc.
   (b) A railing around the break of a poop deck.

Source : WordNet®

fife rail
     n : the railing surrounding the mast of a sailing vessel
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