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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Figure \Fig"ure\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Figured}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Figuring}.] [F. figurer, L. figurare, fr. figura. See
   {Figure}, n.]
   1. To represent by a figure, as to form or mold; to make an
      image of, either palpable or ideal; also, to fashion into
      a determinate form; to shape.

            If love, alas! be pain I bear,

            No thought can figure, and no tongue declare.Prior.

   2. To embellish with design; to adorn with figures.

            The vaulty top of heaven Figured quite o'er with
            burning meteors.                      --Shak.

   3. To indicate by numerals; also, to compute.

            As through a crystal glass the figured hours are
            seen.                                 --Dryden.

   4. To represent by a metaphor; to signify or symbolize.

            Whose white vestments figure innocence. --Shak.

   5. To prefigure; to foreshow.

            In this the heaven figures some event. --Shak.

   6. (Mus.)
      (a) To write over or under the bass, as figures or other
          characters, in order to indicate the accompanying
      (b) To embellish.

   {To figure out}, to solve; to compute or find the result of.

   {To figure up}, to add; to reckon; to compute the amount of.

Source : WordNet®

     n : problem solving that involves numbers or quantities [syn: {calculation},
          {computation}, {reckoning}]
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