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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Finally \Fi"nal*ly\, adv.
   1. At the end or conclusion; ultimately; lastly; as, the
      contest was long, but the Romans finally conquered.

            Whom patience finally must crown.     --Milton.

   2. Completely; beyond recovery.

            Not any house of noble English in Ireland was
            utterly destroyed or finally rooted out. --Sir J.

Source : WordNet®

     adv 1: after a long period of time or an especially long delay; "at
            length they arrived" [syn: {eventually}, {at length}]
     2: the item at the end; "last, I'll discuss family values"
        [syn: {last}, {lastly}, {in conclusion}]
     3: as the end result of a succession or process; "ultimately he
        had to give in"; "at long last the winter was over" [syn:
        {ultimately}, {in the end}, {at last}, {at long last}]
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