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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Firmness \Firm"ness\, n.
   The state or quality of being firm.

   Syn: {Firmness}, {Constancy}.

   Usage: Firmness belongs to the will, and constancy to the
          affections and principles; the former prevents us from
          yielding, and the latter from fluctuating. Without
          firmness a man has no character; ``without
          constancy,'' says Addison, ``there is neither love,
          friendship, nor virtue in the world.''

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the firmness and tone of healthy tissue; "his muscle
          firmness" [syn: {soundness}]
     2: the trait of being resolute; firmness of purpose; "his
        resoluteness carried him through the battle"; "it was his
        unshakeable resolution to finish the work" [syn: {resoluteness},
         {resolve}, {resolution}] [ant: {irresoluteness}]
     3: the property of being unyielding to the touch
     4: the quality of being steady or securely and immovably fixed
        in place [syn: {steadiness}] [ant: {unsteadiness}]
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