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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fiscal \Fis"cal\, a. [F. fiscal, L. fiscalis, fr. fiscus. See
   Pertaining to the public treasury or revenue.

         The fiscal arreangements of government.

Fiscal \Fis"cal\, n.
   1. The income of a prince or a state; revenue; exhequer.
      [Obs.] --Bacon.

   2. A treasurer. --H. Swinburne.

   3. A public officer in Scotland who prosecutes in petty
      criminal cases; -- called also {procurator fiscal}.

   4. The solicitor in Spain and Portugal; the attorney-general.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : involving financial matters; "fiscal responsibility" [syn: {financial}]
           [ant: {nonfinancial}]
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