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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Heavenly \Heav"en*ly\, a. [AS. heofonic.]
   1. Pertaining to, resembling, or inhabiting heaven;
      celestial; not earthly; as, heavenly regions; heavenly

            As is the heavenly, such are they also that are
            heavenly.                             --1 Cor. xv.

   2. Appropriate to heaven in character or happiness; perfect;
      pure; supremely blessed; as, a heavenly race; the
      heavenly, throng.

            The love of heaven makes one heavenly. --Sir P.

Heavenly \Heav"en*ly\, adv.
   1. In a manner resembling that of heaven. ``She was heavenly
      true.'' --Shak.

   2. By the influence or agency of heaven.

            Out heavenly guided soul shall climb. --Milton.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven; "celestial
            beings"; "heavenly hosts" [syn: {celestial}]
     2: of or relating to the sky; "celestial map"; "a heavenly
        body" [syn: {celestial}]
     3: of or belonging to heaven or god [ant: {earthly}]
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