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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Heavily \Heav"i*ly\, adv. [From 2d {Heavy}.]
   1. In a heavy manner; with great weight; as, to bear heavily
      on a thing; to be heavily loaded.

            Heavily interested in those schemes of emigration.
                                                  --The Century.

   2. As if burdened with a great weight; slowly and
      laboriously; with difficulty; hence, in a slow, difficult,
      or suffering manner; sorrowfully.

            And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave
            them heavily.                         --Ex. xiv. 25.

            Why looks your grace so heavily to-day? --Shak.

Source : WordNet®

     adv 1: to a considerable degree; "he relied heavily on others'
            data" [syn: {to a great extent}]
     2: in a heavy-footed manner; "he walked heavily up the three
        flights to his room"
     3: with great force; "she hit her arm heavily against the wall"
     4: in a manner designed for heavy duty; "a heavily constructed
        car"; "heavily armed"
     5: slowly as if burdened by much weight; "time hung heavy on
        their hands" [syn: {heavy}]
     6: indulging excessively; "he drank heavily" [syn: {intemperately},
         {hard}] [ant: {lightly}]
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