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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Height \Height\, n. [Written also {hight}.] [OE. heighte, heght,
   heighthe, AS. he['a]h?u, fr. heah high; akin to D. hoogte,
   Sw. h["o]jd, Dan. h["o]ide, Icel. h[ae]?, Goth. hauhipa. See
   1. The condition of being high; elevated position.

            Behold the height of the stars, how high they are!
                                                  --Job xxii.

   2. The distance to which anything rises above its foot, above
      that on which in stands, above the earth, or above the
      level of the sea; altitude; the measure upward from a
      surface, as the floor or the ground, of animal, especially
      of a man; stature. --Bacon.

            [Goliath's] height was six cubits and a span. --1
                                                  Sam. xvii. 4.

   3. Degree of latitude either north or south. [Obs.]

            Guinea lieth to the north sea, in the same height as
            Peru to the south.                    --Abp. Abbot.

   4. That which is elevated; an eminence; a hill or mountain;
      as, Alpine heights. --Dryden.

   5. Elevation in excellence of any kind, as in power,
      learning, arts; also, an advanced degree of social rank;
      pre["e]minence or distinction in society; prominence.

            Measure your mind's height by the shade it casts.
                                                  --R. Browning.

            All would in his power hold, all make his subjects.

   6. Progress toward eminence; grade; degree.

            Social duties are carried to greater heights, and
            enforced with stronger motives by the principles of
            our religion.                         --Addison.

   7. Utmost degree in extent; extreme limit of energy or
      condition; as, the height of a fever, of passion, of
      madness, of folly; the height of a tempest.

            My grief was at the height before thou camest.

   {On height}, aloud. [Obs.]

            [He] spake these same words, all on hight.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base
          of something to the top [syn: {tallness}]
     2: the highest level or degree attainable; "his landscapes were
        deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at
        their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of
        perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted
        Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his
        ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man";
        "at the top of his profession" [syn: {acme}, {elevation},
        {peak}, {pinnacle}, {summit}, {superlative}, {top}]
     3: natural height of a person or animal in an upright position
        [syn: {stature}]
     4: elevation especially above sea level or above the earth's
        surface; "the altitude gave her a headache" [syn: {altitude}]
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