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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hem \Hem\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hemmed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To form a hem or border to; to fold and sew down the edge
      of. --Wordsworth.

   2. To border; to edge

            All the skirt about Was hemmed with golden fringe.

   {To hem about}, {around}, or {in}, to inclose and confine; to
      surround; to environ. ``With valiant squadrons round about
      to hem.'' --Fairfax. ``Hemmed in to be a spoil to
      tyranny.'' --Daniel.

   {To hem out}, to shut out. ``You can not hem me out of
      London.'' --J. Webster.

Source : WordNet®

     See {hem}

     n : lap that forms a cloth border doubled back and stitched down
     [also: {hemming}, {hemmed}]

     v 1: fold over and sew together to provide with a hem; "hem my
     2: utter `hem' or `ahem'
     [also: {hemming}, {hemmed}]
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