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herpes zoster

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Shingles \Shin"gles\, n. [OF. cengle a girth, F. sangle, fr. L.
   cingulum a girdle, fr. cingere to gird. Cf. {Cincture},
   {Cingle}, {Surcingle}.] (Med.)
   A kind of herpes ({Herpes zoster}) which spreads half way
   around the body like a girdle, and is usually attended with
   violent neuralgic pain.

Source : WordNet®

herpes zoster
     n 1: eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe
          neuralgia [syn: {zoster}, {shingles}]
     2: a herpes virus that causes shingles [syn: {herpes zoster
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