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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hydriodic \Hy`dri*od"ic\, a. [Hydr- + iodic: cf. F.
   hydriodique.] (Chem.)
   Pertaining to, or derived from, hydrogen and iodine; -- said
   of an acid produced by the combination of these elements.

   {Hydriodic acid} (Chem.), a pungent, colorless gas, {HI},
      usually prepared as a solution in water. It is strong
      reducing agent. Called also {hydrogen iodide}.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: an expression of greeting; "every morning they exchanged
          polite hellos" [syn: {hello}, {hullo}, {howdy}, {how-do-you-do}]
     2: a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the
        Hawaiian Islands [syn: {Hawaii}, {Aloha State}]
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