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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hieroglyphic \Hi`er*o*glyph"ic\, Hieroglyphical
\Hi`er*o*glyph"ic*al\, a. [L. hieroglyphicus, Gr. ?; "iero`s
   sacred + gly`fein to carve: cf. F. hi['e]roglyphique.]
   1. Emblematic; expressive of some meaning by characters,
      pictures, or figures; as, hieroglyphic writing; a
      hieroglyphic obelisk.

            Pages no better than blanks to common minds, to his,
            hieroglyphical of wisest secrets.     --Prof.

   2. Resembling hieroglyphics; not decipherable. ``An
      hieroglyphical scrawl.'' --Sir W. Scott.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: resembling hieroglyphic writing [syn: {hieroglyphic}]
     2: written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial
        symbols [syn: {hieroglyphic}]
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