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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

High \High\, v. i. [See {Hie}.]
   To hie. [Obs.]

         Men must high them apace, and make haste. --Holland.

High \High\, a. [Compar. {Higher}; superl. {Highest}.] [OE.
   high, hegh, hey, heh, AS. he['a]h, h?h; akin to OS. h?h,
   OFries. hag, hach, D. hoog, OHG. h?h, G. hoch, Icel. h?r, Sw.
   h["o]g, Dan. h["o]i, Goth. hauhs, and to Icel. haugr mound,
   G. h["u]gel hill, Lith. kaukaras.]
   1. Elevated above any starting point of measurement, as a
      line, or surface; having altitude; lifted up; raised or
      extended in the direction of the zenith; lofty; tall; as,
      a high mountain, tower, tree; the sun is high.

   2. Regarded as raised up or elevated; distinguished;
      remarkable; conspicuous; superior; -- used indefinitely or
      relatively, and often in figurative senses, which are
      understood from the connection; as
      (a) Elevated in character or quality, whether moral or
          intellectual; pre["e]minent; honorable; as, high aims,
          or motives. ``The highest faculty of the soul.''
      (b) Exalted in social standing or general estimation, or
          in rank, reputation, office, and the like; dignified;
          as, she was welcomed in the highest circles.

                He was a wight of high renown.    --Shak.
      (c) Of noble birth; illustrious; as, of high family.
      (d) Of great strength, force, importance, and the like;
          strong; mighty; powerful; violent; sometimes,
          triumphant; victorious; majestic, etc.; as, a high
          wind; high passions. ``With rather a high manner.''

                Strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand.
                                                  --Ps. lxxxix.

                Can heavenly minds such high resentment show?

High \High\, v. i.
   To rise; as, the sun higheth. [Obs.]

High \High\, adv.
   In a high manner; in a high place; to a great altitude; to a
   great degree; largely; in a superior manner; eminently;
   powerfully. ``And reasoned high.`` --Milton. ``I can not
   reach so high.'' --Shak.

   Note: High is extensively used in the formation of compound
         words, most of which are of very obvious signification;
         as, high-aimed, high-arched, high-aspiring,
         high-bearing, high-boasting, high-browed, high-crested,
         high-crowned, high-designing, high-engendered,
         high-feeding, high-flaming, high-flavored, high-gazing,
         high-heaped, high-heeled, high-priced, high-reared,
         high-resolved, high-rigged, high-seated,
         high-shouldered, high-soaring, high-towering,
         high-voiced, and the like.

   {High and low}, everywhere; in all supposable places; as, I
      hunted high and low. [Colloq.]

High \High\, n.
   1. An elevated place; a superior region; a height; the sky;

   2. People of rank or high station; as, high and low.

   3. (Card Playing) The highest card dealt or drawn.

   {High, low, jack, and the game}, a game at cards; -- also
      called {all fours}, {old sledge}, and {seven up}.

   {In high and low}, utterly; completely; in every respect.
      [Obs.] --Chaucer.

   {On high}, aloft; above.

            The dayspring from on high hath visited us. --Luke
                                                  i. 78.

   {The Most High}, the Supreme Being; God.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures
          reached an all-time high" [ant: {low}]
     2: an air mass of higher than normal pressure; "the east coast
        benefits from a Bermuda high" [syn: {high pressure}]
     3: a state of sustained elation; "I'm on a permanent high these
        days" [ant: {low spirits}]
     4: a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or
        narcotics; "they took drugs to get a high on"
     5: a high place; "they stood on high and observed the
        coutryside"; "he doesn't like heights" [syn: {heights}]
     6: a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through
        12; "he goes to the neighborhood highschool" [syn: {senior
        high school}, {senior high}, {highschool}, {high school}]
     7: a forward gear with a gear ratio giving high vehicle
        velocity for a given engine speed [syn: {high gear}]

     adv 1: at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder" [syn: {high
     2: in or to a high position, amount, or degree; "prices have
        gone up far too high"
     3: in a rich manner; "he lives high" [syn: {richly}, {luxuriously}]
     4: far up toward the source; "he lives high up the river"

     adj 1: greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a
            high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of
            his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the
            river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself"
            [ant: {low}]
     2: (literal meanings) being at or having a relatively great or
        specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in
        combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high
        ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high
        incline"; "a foot high" [ant: {low}]
     3: standing above others in quality or position; "people in
        high places"; "the high priest"; "eminent members of the
        community" [syn: {eminent}]
     4: used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency [syn:
        {high-pitched}] [ant: {low}]
     5: happy and excited and energetic [syn: {in high spirits}]
     6: used of the smell of game beginning to taint [syn: {gamey},
     7: slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug
        (especially marijuana) [syn: {mellow}]
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