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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hinder \Hin"der\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hindered}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Hindering}.] [OE. hindren, hinderen, AS. hindrian, fr.
   hinder behind; akin to D. hinderen, G. hindern, OHG.
   hintar?n, Icel. & Sw. hindra, Dan. hindre. See {Hinder}, a.]
   1. To keep back or behind; to prevent from starting or moving
      forward; to check; to retard; to obstruct; to bring to a
      full stop; -- often followed by from; as, an accident
      hindered the coach; drought hinders the growth of plants;
      to hinder me from going.

            Them that were entering in ye hindered. --Luke xi.

            I hinder you too long.                --Shak.

   2. To prevent or embarrass; to debar; to shut out.

            What hinders younger brothers, being fathers of
            families, from having the same right? --Locke.

   Syn: To check; retard; impede; delay; block; clog; prevent;
        stop; interrupt; counteract; thwart; oppose; obstruct;
        debar; embarrass.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : preventing movement; "the clogging crowds of revelers
           overflowing into the street" [syn: {clogging}, {impeding},
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