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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hitch \Hitch\ (h[i^]ch), v. t. [Cf. Scot. hitch a motion by a
   jerk, and hatch, hotch, to move by jerks, also Prov. G.
   hiksen, G. hinken, to limp, hobble; or E. hiccough; or
   possibly akin to E. hook.]
   1. To become entangled or caught; to be linked or yoked; to
      unite; to cling.

            Atoms . . . which at length hitched together.

   2. To move interruptedly or with halts, jerks, or steps; --
      said of something obstructed or impeded.

            Slides into verse, and hitches in a rhyme. --Pope.

            To ease themselves . . . by hitching into another
            place.                                --Fuller.

   3. To hit the legs together in going, as horses; to
      interfere. [Eng.] --Halliwell.

Hitch \Hitch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hitched}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To hook; to catch or fasten as by a hook or a knot; to
      make fast, unite, or yoke; as, to hitch a horse, or a

   2. To move with hitches; as, he hitched his chair nearer.

   {To hitch up}.
      (a) To fasten up.
      (b) To pull or raise with a jerk; as, a sailor hitches up
          his trousers.
      (c) To attach, as a horse, to a vehicle; as, hitch up the
          gray mare. [Colloq.]

Hitch \Hitch\, n.
   1. A catch; anything that holds, as a hook; an impediment; an
      obstacle; an entanglement.

   2. The act of catching, as on a hook, etc.

   3. A stop or sudden halt; a stoppage; an impediment; a
      temporary obstruction; an obstacle; as, a hitch in one's
      progress or utterance; a hitch in the performance.

   4. A sudden movement or pull; a pull up; as, the sailor gave
      his trousers a hitch.

   5. (Naut.) A knot or noose in a rope which can be readily
      undone; -- intended for a temporary fastening; as, a half
      hitch; a clove hitch; a timber hitch, etc.

   6. (Geol.) A small dislocation of a bed or vein.

Source : WordNet®

     v 1: to hook or entangle; "One foot caught in the stirrup" [syn:
          {catch}] [ant: {unhitch}]
     2: walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury; "The old
        woman hobbles down to the store every day" [syn: {limp}, {hobble}]
     3: jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched; "the yung
        filly bucked" [syn: {buck}, {jerk}]
     4: travel by getting free rides from motorists [syn: {hitchhike},
     5: connect to a vehicle: "hitch the trailer to the car"

     n 1: a period of time spent in military service [syn: {enlistment},
           {term of enlistment}, {tour of duty}, {duty tour}, {tour}]
     2: the state of inactivity following an interruption; "the
        negotiations were in arrest"; "held them in check";
        "during the halt he got some lunch"; "the momentary stay
        enabled him to escape the blow"; "he spent the entire stop
        in his seat" [syn: {arrest}, {check}, {halt}, {stay}, {stop},
     3: an unforeseen obstacle [syn: {hang-up}, {rub}, {snag}]
     4: a connection between a vehicle and the load that it pulls
     5: a knot that can be undone by pulling against the strain that
        holds it
     6: any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome [syn: {hindrance},
         {preventive}, {preventative}, {encumbrance}, {incumbrance},
     7: the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured
        leg [syn: {hobble}, {limp}]
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