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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hobbledehoy \Hob"ble*de*hoy`\, Hobbletehoy \Hob"ble*te*hoy`\, n.
   [Written also {hobbetyhoy}, {hobbarddehoy}, {hobbedehoy},
   {hobdehoy}.] [ Cf. Prob. E. hobbledygee with a limping
   movement; also F. hobereau, a country squire, E. hobby, and
   OF. hoi to-day; perh. the orig. sense was, an upstart of
   A youth between boy and man; an awkward, gawky young fellow .

         All the men, boys, and hobbledehoys attached to the
         farm.                                    --Dickens. .
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