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hold on

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hold \Hold\, n. i.
   In general, to keep one's self in a given position or
   condition; to remain fixed. Hence:

   1. Not to more; to halt; to stop;-mostly in the imperative.

            And damned be him that first cries, ``Hold,
            enough!''                             --Shak.

   2. Not to give way; not to part or become separated; to
      remain unbroken or unsubdued.

            Our force by land hath nobly held.    --Shak.

   3. Not to fail or be found wanting; to continue; to last; to
      endure a test or trial; to abide; to persist.

            While our obedience holds.            --Milton.

            The rule holds in land as all other commodities.

   4. Not to fall away, desert, or prove recreant; to remain
      attached; to cleave;-often with with, to, or for.

            He will hold to the one and despise the other.
                                                  --Matt. vi. 24

   5. To restrain one's self; to refrain.

            His dauntless heart would fain have held From
            weeping, but his eyes rebelled.       --Dryden.

   6. To derive right or title; -- generally with of.

            My crown is absolute, and holds of none. --Dryden.

            His imagination holds immediately from nature.

   {Hold on!} {Hold up!} wait; stop; forbear. [Collog] -- {To
   hold forth}, to speak in public; to harangue; to preach.

   {To hold in}, to restrain one's self; as, he wanted to laugh
      and could hardly hold in.

   {To hold off}, to keep at a distance.

   {To hold on}, to keep fast hold; to continue; to go on. ``The
      trade held on for many years,'' --Swift.

   {To hold out}, to last; to endure; to continue; to maintain
      one's self; not to yield or give way.

   {To hold over}, to remain in office, possession, etc., beyond
      a certain date.

   {To hold to or with}, to take sides with, as a person or

   {To hold together}, to be joined; not to separate; to remain
      in union. --Dryden. --Locke.

   {To hold up}.
      (a) To support one's self; to remain unbent or unbroken;
          as, to hold up under misfortunes.
      (b) To cease raining; to cease to stop; as, it holds up.
      (c) To keep up; not to fall behind; not to lose ground.

Source : WordNet®

hold on
     v 1: hold firmly [syn: {grasp}]
     2: stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or
        developments; "Hold on a moment!" [syn: {stop}]
     3: be persistent, refuse to stop; "he persisted to call me
        every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking
        questions" [syn: {persevere}, {persist}, {hang in}, {hang
     4: hold the phone line open; "Please hang on while I get your
        folder" [syn: {hang on}, {hold the line}]
     5: retain possession of; "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?";
        "She kept her maiden name after she married" [syn: {keep}]
        [ant: {lose}]
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