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jack plane

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {Jack crosstree}. (Naut.) See 10, b, above.

   {Jack curlew} (Zo["o]l.), the whimbrel.

   {Jack frame}. (Cotton Spinning) See 4
       (g), above.

   {Jack Frost}, frost personified as a mischievous person.

   {Jack hare}, a male hare. --Cowper.

   {Jack lamp}, a lamp for still hunting and camp use. See def.
       (n.), above.

   {Jack plane}, a joiner's plane used for coarse work.

   {Jack post}, one of the posts which support the crank shaft
      of a deep-well-boring apparatus.

   {Jack pot} (Poker Playing), the name given to the stakes,
      contributions to which are made by each player
      successively, till such a hand is turned as shall take the
      ``pot,'' which is the sum total of all the bets.

Source : WordNet®

jack plane
     n : a carpenter's plane for rough surfacing
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