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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lawless \Law"less\, a.
   1. Contrary to, or unauthorized by, law; illegal; as, a
      lawless claim.

            He needs no indirect nor lawless course. --Shak.

   2. Not subject to, or restrained by, the law of morality or
      of society; as, lawless men or behavior.

   3. Not subject to the laws of nature; uncontrolled.

            Or, meteorlike, flame lawless through the void.
      -- {Law"less*ly}, adv. -- {Law"less*ness}, n.

Source : WordNet®

     adv : in an illegal manner; "they dumped the waste illegally"
           [syn: {illegally}, {illicitly}] [ant: {legitimately}]
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