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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Legerdemain \Leg`er*de*main"\ (l[e^]j`[~e]r*d[-e]*m[=a]n"), n.
   [F. l['e]ger light, nimble + de of + main hand, L. manus. See
   3d {Leger}, and {Manual}.]
   Sleight of hand; a trick of sleight of hand; hence, any
   artful deception or trick.

         He of legierdemayne the mysteries did know. --Spenser.

         The tricks and legerdemain by which men impose upon
         their own souls.                         --South.

Source : WordNet®

     n : an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
         [syn: {magic trick}, {conjuring trick}, {trick}, {magic},
          {conjuration}, {illusion}, {deception}]
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