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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Legible \Leg"i*ble\ (l[e^]j"[i^]*b'l), a. [L. legibilis, fr.
   legere to read: cf. OF. legible. See {Legend}.]
   1. Capable of being read or deciphered; distinct to the eye;
      plain; -- used of writing or printing; as, a fair, legible

            The stone with moss and lichens so overspread,
            Nothing is legible but the name alone. --Longfellow.

   2. Capable of being discovered or understood by apparent
      marks or indications; as, the thoughts of men are often
      legible in their countenances.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : (of handwriting, print, etc.) able to be read; "legible
           handwriting" [ant: {illegible}]
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