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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Legislature \Leg"is*la`ture\ (l[e^]j"[i^]s*l[=a]`t[-u]r; 135),
   n. [Cf. F. l['e]gislature.]
   The body of persons in a state or kingdom invested with power
   to make and repeal laws; a legislative body.

         Without the concurrent consent of all three parts of
         the legislature, no law is, or can be, made. --Sir M.

   Note: The legislature of Great Britain consists of the Lords
         and Commons, with the king or queen, whose sanction is
         necessary to every bill before it becomes a law. The
         legislatures of most of the United States consist of
         two houses or branches; but the sanction or consent of
         the governor is required to give their acts the force
         of law, or a concurrence of two thirds of the two
         houses after he has refused his sanction and assigned
         his objections.

Legislature \Legislature\, n.

   Note: The legislatures of some of the more important states
         having constitutional government are as follows, the
         general name (or a translation of it) of the
         legislative body collectively being given under the
         heading legislature, or parliament:

Source : WordNet®

     n : persons who make or amend or repeal laws [syn: {legislative
         assembly}, {general assembly}, {law-makers}]
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