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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lenitive \Len"i*tive\ (-t[i^]v), a. [Cf. F. l['e]nitif. See
   Having the quality of softening or mitigating, as pain or
   acrimony; assuasive; emollient.

Lenitive \Len"i*tive\, n. [Cf. F. l['e]nitif.]
   1. (Med.)
      (a) A medicine or application that has the quality of
          easing pain or protecting from the action of
      (b) A mild purgative; a laxative.

   2. That which softens or mitigates; that which tends to allay
      passion, excitement, or pain; a palliative.

            There is one sweet lenitive at least for evils,
            which Nature holds out; so I took it kindly at her
            hands, and fell asleep.               --Sterne.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear [syn:
           {alleviative}, {alleviatory}, {mitigative}, {mitigatory},
     n : remedy that eases pain and discomfort
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