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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lenticel \Len"ti*cel\ (l[e^]n"t[i^]*s[e^]l), n. [F. lenticelle,
   dim. fr. L. lens, lentis, a lentil. Cf. {Lentil}.] (Bot.)
   (a) One of the small, oval, rounded spots upon the stem or
       branch of a plant, from which the underlying tissues may
       protrude or roots may issue, either in the air, or more
       commonly when the stem or branch is covered with water or
   (b) A small, lens-shaped gland on the under side of some

Source : WordNet®

     n : one of many raised pores on the stems of woody plants that
         allow the interchange of gas between the atmosphere and
         the interior tissue
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