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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lesser \Less"er\, adv.
   Less. [Obs.] --Shak.

Lesser \Less"er\ (-[~e]r), a. [This word is formed by adding
   anew the compar. suffix -er (in which r is from an original
   s) to less. See {Less}, a.]
   Less; smaller; inferior.

         God made . . . the lesser light to rule the night.
                                                  --Gen. i. 15.

   Note: Lesser is used for less, now the compar. of little, in
         certain special instances in which its employment has
         become established by custom; as, Lesser Asia (i. e.,
         Asia Minor), the lesser light, and some others; also in
         poetry, for the sake of the meter, and in prose where
         its use renders the passage more euphonious.

               The more my prayer, the lesser is my grace.

               The larger here, and there the lesser lambs.

               By the same reason may a man, in the state of
               nature, punish the lesser breaches of the law.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: of less size or importance; "the lesser anteater"; "the
            lesser of two evils" [ant: {greater}]
     2: smaller in size or amount or value; "the lesser powers of
        Europe"; "the lesser anteater"
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