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magic lantern

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lantern \Lan"tern\, n. [F. lanterne, L. lanterna, laterna, from
   Gr. ? light, torch. See {Lamp}.]
   1. Something inclosing a light, and protecting it from wind,
      rain, etc.; -- sometimes portable, as a closed vessel or
      case of horn, perforated tin, glass, oiled paper, or other
      material, having a lamp or candle within; sometimes fixed,
      as the glazed inclosure of a street light, or of a
      lighthouse light.

   2. (Arch.)
      (a) An open structure of light material set upon a roof,
          to give light and air to the interior.
      (b) A cage or open chamber of rich architecture, open
          below into the building or tower which it crowns.
      (c) A smaller and secondary cupola crowning a larger one,
          for ornament, or to admit light; such as the lantern
          of the cupola of the Capitol at Washington, or that of
          the Florence cathedral.

   3. (Mach.) A lantern pinion or trundle wheel. See {Lantern
      pinion} (below).

   4. (Steam Engine) A kind of cage inserted in a stuffing box
      and surrounding a piston rod, to separate the packing into
      two parts and form a chamber between for the reception of
      steam, etc.; -- called also {lantern brass}.

   5. (Founding) A perforated barrel to form a core upon.

   6. (Zo["o]l.) See {Aristotle's lantern}.

   Note: Fig. 1 represents a hand lantern; fig. 2, an arm
         lantern; fig. 3, a breast lantern; -- so named from the
         positions in which they are carried.

   {Dark lantern}, a lantern with a single opening, which may be
      closed so as to conceal the light; -- called also

   {Lantern fly}, {Lantern carrier} (Zo["o]l.), any one of
      several species of large, handsome, hemipterous insects of
      the genera {Laternaria}, {Fulgora}, and allies, of the
      family {Fulgorid[ae]}. The largest species is {Laternaria
      phosphorea} of Brazil. The head of some species has been
      supposed to be phosphorescent.

   {Lantern jaws}, long, thin jaws; hence, a thin visage.

   {Lantern pinion}, {Lantern wheel} (Mach.), a kind of pinion
      or wheel having cylindrical bars or trundles, instead of
      teeth, inserted at their ends in two parallel disks or
      plates; -- so called as resembling a lantern in shape; --
      called also {wallower}, or {trundle}.

   {Lantern shell} (Zo["o]l.), any translucent, marine, bivalve
      shell of the genus {Anatina}, and allied genera.

   {Magic lantern}, an optical instrument consisting of a case
      inclosing a light, and having suitable lenses in a lateral
      tube, for throwing upon a screen, in a darkened room or
      the like, greatly magnified pictures from slides placed in
      the focus of the outer lens.

Magic \Mag"ic\, Magical \Mag"ic*al\, a. [L. magicus, Gr. ?, fr.
   ?: cf. F. magique. See {Magi}.]
   1. Pertaining to the hidden wisdom supposed to be possessed
      by the Magi; relating to the occult powers of nature, and
      the producing of effects by their agency.

   2. Performed by, or proceeding from, occult and superhuman
      agencies; done by, or seemingly done by, enchantment or
      sorcery. Hence: Seemingly requiring more than human power;
      imposing or startling in performance; producing effects
      which seem supernatural or very extraordinary; having
      extraordinary properties; as, a magic lantern; a magic
      square or circle.

            The painter's magic skill.            --Cowper.

   Note: Although with certain words magic is used more than
         magical, -- as, magic circle, magic square, magic wand,
         -- we may in general say magic or magical; as, a magic
         or magical effect; a magic or magical influence, etc.
         But when the adjective is predicative, magical, and not
         magic, is used; as, the effect was magical.

   {Magic circle}, a series of concentric circles containing the
      numbers 12 to 75 in eight radii, and having somewhat
      similar properties to the magic square.

   {Magic humming bird} (Zo["o]l.), a Mexican humming bird
      ({Iache magica}), having white downy thing tufts.

   {Magic lantern}. See {Lantern}.

   {Magic square}, numbers so disposed in parallel and equal
      rows in the form of a square, that each row, taken
      vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, shall give the
      same sum, the same product, or an harmonical series,
      according as the numbers taken are in arithmetical,
      geometrical, or harmonical progression.

   {Magic wand}, a wand used by a magician in performing feats
      of magic.

Source : WordNet®

magic lantern
     n : an early form of slide projector
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