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no more

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

More \More\, n.
   1. A greater quantity, amount, or number; that which exceeds
      or surpasses in any way what it is compared with.

            And the children of Israel did so, and gathered,
            some more, some less.                 --Ex. xvi. 17.

   2. That which is in addition; something other and further; an
      additional or greater amount.

            They that would have more and more can never have
            enough.                               --L'Estrange.

            O! That pang where more than madness lies. --Byron.

   {Any more}.
      (a) Anything or something additional or further; as, I do
          not need any more.
      (b) Adverbially: Further; beyond a certain time; as, do
          not think any more about it.

   {No more}, not anything more; nothing in addition.

   {The more and less}, the high and low. [Obs.] --Shak. ``All
      cried, both less and more.'' --Chaucer.

Source : WordNet®

no more
     adv 1: not now; "she is no more" [syn: {no longer}] [ant: {still}]
     2: referring to the degree to which a certain quality is
        present; "he was no heavier than a child" [syn: {no}]
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