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red-headed duck

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Redhead \Red"head`\ (-h?d`), n.
   1. A person having red hair.

   2. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) An American duck ({Aythya Americana}) highly esteemed
          as a game bird. It is closely allied to the
          canvasback, but is smaller and its head brighter red.
          Called also {red-headed duck}. {American poachard},
          {grayback}, and {fall duck}. See Illust. under
      (b) The red-headed woodpecker. See {Woodpecker}.

   3. (Bot.) A kind of milkweed ({Asclepias Curassavica}) with
      red flowers. It is used in medicine.
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