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red-spotted trout

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dolly Varden \Dol"ly Var"den\
   1. A character in Dickens's novel ``Barnaby Rudge,'' a
      beautiful, lively, and coquettish girl who wore a
      cherry-colored mantle and cherry-colored ribbons.

   2. A style of light, bright-figured dress goods for women;
      also, a style of dress.

   {Dolly Varden trout} (Zo["o]l.), a trout of northwest
      America; -- called also {bull trout}, {malma}, and
      {red-spotted trout}. See {Malma}.

Malma \Mal"ma\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
   A spotted trout ({Salvelinus malma}), inhabiting Northern
   America, west of the Rocky Mountains; -- called also {Dolly
   Varden trout}, {bull trout}, {red-spotted trout}, and

Bull trout \Bull" trout`\ (Zo["o]l.)
   (a) In England, a large salmon trout of several species, as
       {Salmo trutta} and {S. Cambricus}, which ascend rivers;
       -- called also {sea trout}.
   (b) {Salvelinus malma} of California and Oregon; -- called
       also {Dolly Varden trout} and {red-spotted trout}.
   (c) The huso or salmon of the Danube.
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