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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Refutable \Re*fut"a*ble\ (r?*f?t"?*b'l;277), a. [Cf. F.
   Admitting of being refuted or disproved; capable of being
   proved false or erroneous.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : able to be refuted [syn: {questionable}, {confutable}, {confutative}]

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        In lazy functional languages, a refutable pattern is one which
        may fail to match.  An expression being matched against a
        refutable pattern is first evaluated to head normal form
        (which may fail to terminate) and then the top-level
        constructor of the result is compared with that of the
        pattern.  If they are the same then any arguments are matched
        against the pattern's arguments otherwise the match fails.
        An irrefutable pattern is one which always matches.  An
        attempt to evaluate any variable in the pattern forces the
        pattern to be matched as though it were refutable which may
        fail to match (resulting in an error) or fail to terminate.
        Patterns in Haskell are normally refutable but may be made
        irrefutable by prefixing them with a tilde (~).  For example,
        	(\ (x,y) -> 1) undefined	==>	undefined
        	(\ ~(x,y) -> 1) undefined	==>	1
        Patterns in Miranda are refutable, except for tuples which are
        irrefutable.  Thus
        	g [x] = 2
        	g undefined			==>	undefined
        	f (x,y) = 1
        	f undefined			==>	1
        Pattern bindings in local definitions are irrefutable in both
        	h = 1 where [x] = undefined	==>	1
        Irrefutable patterns can be used to simulate unlifted products
        because they effectively ignore the top-level constructor of
        the expression being matched and consider only its components.
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