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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Regalia \Re*ga"li*a\ (r?*g?"l?*?), n. pl. [LL., from L.
   regalisregal. See {Regal}.]
   1. That which belongs to royalty. Specifically:
      (a) The rights and prerogatives of a king.
      (b) Royal estates and revenues.
      (c) Ensings, symbols, or paraphernalia of royalty.

   2. Hence, decorations or insignia of an office or order, as
      of Freemasons, Odd Fellows,etc.

   3. Sumptuous food; delicacies. [Obs.] --Cotton.

   {Regalia of a church}, the privileges granted to it by kings;
      sometimes, its patrimony. --Brande & C.

Regalia \Re*ga"li*a\, n.
   A kind of cigar of large size and superior quality; also, the
   size in which such cigars are classed.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: paraphernalia indicative of royalty (or other high office)
     2: especially fine or decorative clothing [syn: {array}, {raiment}]
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