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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Rehabilitate \Re`ha*bil"i*tate\ (r?`h?*b?l"?*t?t), v. t. [imp. &
   p. p. {Rehabilitated} (-t?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Rehabilitating}.] [Pref. re- re- + habilitate: cf. LL.
   rehabilitare, F. r['e]habiliter.]
   To invest or clothe again with some right, authority, or
   dignity; to restore to a former capacity; to reinstate; to
   qualify again; to restore, as a delinquent, to a former
   right, rank, or privilege lost or forfeited; -- a term of
   civil and canon law.

         Restoring and rehabilitating the party.  --Burke.

Source : WordNet®

     v 1: reinstall politically; "Deng Xiao Ping was rehabilitated
          several times throughout his lifetime" [ant: {purge}]
     2: restore to a state of good condition or operation
     3: help to re-adapt, as to a former state of health or good
        repute; "The prisoner was successfully rehabilitated";
        "After a year in the mental clinic, the patient is now
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