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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Rejuvenate \Re*ju"ve*nate\ (r?-j?"v?-n?t), v. t. [Pref. re- re-
   + L. juventis young, youthful.]
   To render young again.

Source : WordNet®

     v 1: cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the
     2: develop youthful topographical features; "the land
     3: make younger or more youthful; "The contact with his
        grandchildren rejuvenated him" [ant: {age}]
     4: return to life; get or give new life or energy; "The week at
        the spa restored me" [syn: {regenerate}, {restore}]
     5: become young again; "The old man rejuvenated when he became
        a grandfather"
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