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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Relevant \Rel"e*vant\ (-vant), a. [F. relevant, p. pr. of
   relever to raise again, to relieve. See {Relieve}.]
   1. Relieving; lending aid or support. [R.] --Pownall.

   2. Bearing upon, or properly applying to, the case in hand;
      pertinent; applicable.

            Close and relevant arguments have very little hold
            on the passions.                      --Sydney

   3. (Scots Law) Sufficient to support the cause.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue;
            "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to
            learn about matters relevant to her own research"
            [ant: {irrelevant}]
     2: having crucial relevance; "crucial to the case"; "relevant
        testimony" [syn: {crucial}]
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