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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Removed \Re*moved"\ (r?-m??vd"), a.
   1. Changed in place.

   2. Dismissed from office.

   3. Distant in location; remote. ``Something finer than you
      could purchase in so removed a dwelling.'' --Shak.

   4. Distant by degrees in relationship; as, a cousin once
      removed. -- {Re*mov"ed*ness} (r?-m??v"?d-n?s), n. --Shak.

Remove \Re*move"\ (r?-m??v"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Removed}
   (-m??vd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Removing}.] [OF. removoir,
   remouvoir, L. removere, remotum; pref. re- re- + movere to
   move. See {Move}.]
   1. To move away from the position occupied; to cause to
      change place; to displace; as, to remove a building.

            Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor's landmark.
                                                  --Deut. xix.

            When we had dined, to prevent the ladies' leaving
            us, I generally ordered the table to be removed.

   2. To cause to leave a person or thing; to cause to cease to
      be; to take away; hence, to banish; to destroy; to put an
      end to; to kill; as, to remove a disease. ``King Richard
      thus removed.'' --Shak.

   3. To dismiss or discharge from office; as, the President
      removed many postmasters.

   Note: See the Note under {Remove}, v. i.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: taken out of or separated from; "possibility
            is...achievability, abstracted from achievement"-
            A.N.Whitehead [syn: {abstracted}]
     2: far apart in nature; "considerations entirely removed (or
        remote) from politics" [syn: {remote}, {removed(p)}]
     3: far distant in space; "distant lands"; "remote stars"; "a
        remote outpost of civilization"; "a hideaway far removed
        from towns and cities" [syn: {distant}, {remote}]
     4: separated in relationship by a given degree of descent; "a
        cousin once removed" [syn: {removed(p)}]
     5: far distant in time; "distant events"; "the remote past or
        future"; "a civilization ten centuries removed from modern
        times" [syn: {distant}, {remote}]
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