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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Renegade \Ren"e*gade\ (r?n"?-g?d), n. [Sp. renegado, LL.
   renegatus, fr. renegare to deny; L. pref. re- re- + negare to
   deny. See {Negation}, and cf. {Runagate}.]
   One faithless to principle or party. Specifically:
   (a) An apostate from Christianity or from any form of
       religious faith.

             James justly regarded these renegades as the most
             serviceable tools that he could employ. --Macaulay.
   (b) One who deserts from a military or naval post; a
       deserter. --Arbuthnot.
   (c) A common vagabond; a worthless or wicked fellow.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : having deserted a cause or principle; "some provinces had
           proved recreant"; "renegade supporters of the usurper"
           [syn: {recreant}]
     n 1: someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw
     2: a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or
        religion or political party or friend etc. [syn: {deserter},
         {apostate}, {turncoat}, {recreant}, {ratter}]

     v : break with established customs [syn: {rebel}]
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