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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reprehensible \Rep`re*hen"si*ble\ (-h?n"s?-b'l), a. [L.
   reprehensibilis: cf. F. r['e]pr['e]hensible.]
   Worthy of reprehension; culpable; censurable; blamable. --
   {Rep`re*hen"si*ble*ness}, n. -- {Rep`re*hen"si*bly}, adv.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure; "a criminal
           waste of talent"; "a deplorable act of violence";
           "adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a
           wife" [syn: {condemnable}, {criminal}, {deplorable}]
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