Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Reprieve \Re*prieve\ (r?-pr?v"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reprieved}
(-pr?vd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reprieving}.] [OE. repreven to
reject, disallow, OF. reprover to blame, reproach, condemn
(pres. il reprueve), F. r['e]prouver to disapprove, fr. L.
reprobare to reject, condemn; pref. re- re- + probare to try,
prove. See {Prove}, and cf. {Reprove}, {Reprobate}.]
1. To delay the punishment of; to suspend the execution of
sentence on; to give a respite to; to respite; as, to
reprieve a criminal for thirty days.
He reprieves the sinnner from time to time.
2. To relieve for a time, or temporarily.
Company, thought it may reprieve a man from his
melaneholy yet can not secure him from his
conscience. --South.
Reprieve \Re*prieve"\ (r?-pr?v"), n.
1. A temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence,
especially of a sentence of death.
The morning Sir John Hotham was to die, a reprieve
was sent to suspend the execution for three days.
2. Interval of ease or relief; respite.
All that I ask is but a short reprieve, ll I forget
to love, and learn to grieve. --Denham.
Source : WordNet®
n 1: a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort [syn: {respite}]
2: an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
[syn: {suspension}, {respite}, {hiatus}, {abatement}]
3: a warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the
execution of the death sentence)
4: the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment
[syn: {respite}]
v 1: postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an
execution [syn: {respite}]
2: relieve temporarily