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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reprise \Re*prise"\ (r?-pr?z"), n. [F. reprise, fr. reprendre,
   repris, to take back, L. reprehendere. See {Reprehend}.]
   1. A taking by way of retaliation. [Obs.] --Dryden.

   2. pl. (Law) Deductions and duties paid yearly out of a manor
      and lands, as rent charge, rent seck, pensions, annuities,
      and the like. [Written also {reprizes}.] --Burrill.

   3. A ship recaptured from an enemy or from a pirate.

Reprise \Re*prise"\, v. t. [Written also reprize.]
   1. To take again; to retake. [Obs.] --Spenser.

   2. To recompense; to pay. [Obs.]

Source : WordNet®

     v : repeat an earlier theme of a composition [syn: {reprize}, {repeat},
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