Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Residual \Re*sid"u*al\, n. (Math.)
(a) The difference of the results obtained by observation,
and by computation from a formula.
(b) The difference between the mean of several observations
and any one of them.
Residual \Re*sid"u*al\ (r?-z?d"?-al), a. [See {Residue}.]
Pertaining to a residue; remaining after a part is taken.
{Residual air} (Physiol.), that portion of air contained in
the lungs which can not be expelled even by the most
violent expiratory effort. It amounts to from 75 to 100
cubic inches. Cf. {Supplemental air}, under
{Residual error}. (Mensuration) See {Error}, 6
(b) .
{Residual figure} (Geom.), the figure which remains after a
less figure has been taken from a greater one.
{Residual magnetism} (Physics), remanent magnetism. See under
{Residual product}, a by product, as cotton waste from a
cotton mill, coke and coal tar from gas works, etc.
{Residual quantity} (Alg.), a binomial quantity the two parts
of which are connected by the negative sign, as a-b.
{Residual root} (Alg.), the root of a residual quantity, as
Source : WordNet®
adj : relating to or indicating a remainder; "residual quantity"
[syn: {residuary}]
n 1: something left after other parts have been taken away;
"there was no remainder"; "he threw away the rest"; "he
took what he wanted and I got the balance" [syn: {remainder},
{balance}, {residue}, {residuum}, {rest}]
2: (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or
writer or director of a television show or commercial that
is paid for every repeat showing; "he could retire on his