Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Resign \Re*sign"\ (r?-z?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Resigned}
(-z?nd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Resigning}.] [F. r['e]signer, L.
resignare to unseal, annul, assign, resign; pref. re- re- +
signare to seal, stamp. See {Sign}, and cf. {Resignation}.]
1. To sign back; to return by a formal act; to yield to
another; to surrender; -- said especially of office or
emolument. Hence, to give up; to yield; to submit; -- said
of the wishes or will, or of something valued; -- also
often used reflexively.
I here resign my government to thee. --Shak.
Lament not, Eve, but patiently resign What justly
thou hast lost. --Milton.
What more reasonable, than that we should in all
things resign up ourselves to the will of God?
2. To relinquish; to abandon.
He soon resigned his former suit. --Spenser.
3. To commit to the care of; to consign. [Obs.]
Gentlement of quality have been sent beyong the
seas, resigned and concredited to the conduct of
such as they call governors. --Evelyn.
Syn: To abdicate; surrender; submit; leave; relinquish;
forego; quit; forsake; abandon; renounce.
Usage: {Resign}, {Relinquish}. To resign is to give up, as if
breaking a seal and yielding all it had secured;
hence, it marks a formal and deliberate surrender. To
relinquish is less formal, but always implies
abandonment and that the thing given up has been long
an object of pursuit, and, usually, that it has been
prized and desired. We resign what we once held or
considered as our own, as an office, employment, etc.
We speak of relinquishing a claim, of relinquishing
some advantage we had sought or enjoyed, of
relinquishing seme right, privilege, etc. ``Men are
weary with the toil which they bear, but can not find
it in their hearts to relinquish it.'' --Steele. See
Resigned \Re*signed"\ (r?-z?nd"), a.
Submissive; yielding; not disposed to resist or murmur.
A firm, yet cautious mind; Sincere, thought prudent;
constant, yet resigned. --Pope.
Source : WordNet®
adj 1: (followed by `to') having come to accept; "resigned to his
fate" [syn: {resigned(p)}]
2: showing utter resignation or hopelessness; "abject
surrender" [syn: {abject}, {unhopeful}]