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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scintillation \Scin`til*la"tion\, n. [L. scintillatio: cf. F.
   1. The act of scintillating.

   2. A spark or flash emitted in scintillating.

            These scintillations are . . . the inflammable
            effluences discharged from the bodies collided.
                                                  --Sir T.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: (physics) a flash of light that is produced in a phosphor
          when it absorbs a photon or ionizing particle
     2: a rapid change in brightness; a brief spark or flash [syn: {twinkle},
     3: a brilliant display of wit
     4: the quality of glittering or sparkling brightly [syn: {glitter},
         {glister}, {glisten}, {sparkle}]
     5: the twinkling of the stars caused when changes in the
        density of the earth's atmosphere produce uneven
        refraction of starlight
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