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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scribble \Scrib"ble\, v. t. [Cf. {Scrabble}.] (Woolen Manuf.)
   To card coarsely; to run through the scribbling machine.

Scribble \Scrib"ble\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scribbled} (-b'ld);
   p. pr. & vb. n. {Scribbling} (-bl[i^]ng).] [From {Scribe}.]
   1. To write hastily or carelessly, without regard to
      correctness or elegance; as, to scribble a letter.

   2. To fill or cover with careless or worthless writing.

Scribble \Scrib"ble\, v. i.
   To write without care, elegance, or value; to scrawl.

         If M[ae]vius scribble in Apollo's spite. --Pope.

Scribble \Scrib"ble\, n.
   Hasty or careless writing; a writing of little value; a
   scrawl; as, a hasty scribble. --Boyle.

         Neither did I but vacant seasons spend In this my
         scribble.                                --Bunyan.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: poor handwriting [syn: {scratch}, {scrawl}, {cacography}]
     2: an aimless drawing [syn: {scrabble}, {doodle}]

     v 1: write down quickly without much attention to detail [syn: {scrabble}]
     2: write carelessly [syn: {scrawl}]

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        To modify a data structure in a random and unintentionally
        destructive way.  "Bletch! Somebody's disk-compactor program
        went berserk and scribbled on the i-node table."  "It was
        working fine until one of the allocation routines scribbled on
        low core."  Synonymous with {trash}; compare {mung}, which
        conveys a bit more intention, and {mangle}, which is more
        violent and final.
        [{Jargon File}]
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