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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scrutiny \Scru"ti*ny\, v. t.
   To scrutinize. [Obs.]

Scrutiny \Scru"ti*ny\, n. [L. scrutinium, fr. scrutari to search
   carefuly, originally, to search even to the rags, fr. scruta
   trash, trumpery; perhaps akin to E. shred: cf. AS. scrudnian
   to make scrutiny.]
   1. Close examination; minute inspection; critical

            They that have designed exactness and deep scrutiny
            have taken some one part of nature.   --Sir M. Hale.

            Thenceforth I thought thee worth my nearer view And
            narrower scrutiny.                    --Milton.

   2. (Anc. Church) An examination of catechumens, in the last
      week of Lent, who were to receive baptism on Easter Day.

   3. (Canon Law) A ticket, or little paper billet, on which a
      vote is written.

   4. (Parliamentary Practice) An examination by a committee of
      the votes given at an election, for the purpose of
      correcting the poll. --Brande & C.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)
          [syn: {examination}]
     2: a prolonged intense look
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