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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sculptor \Sculp"tor\, n. [L. sculptor, fr. sculpere, sculptum,
   to carve; cf. scalpere to cut, carve, scratch, and Gr. ? to
   carve: cf. F. sculpteur.]
   1. One who sculptures; one whose occupation is to carve
      statues, or works of sculpture.

   2. Hence, an artist who designs works of sculpture, his first
      studies and his finished model being usually in a plastic
      material, from which model the marble is cut, or the
      bronze is cast.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: an artist who creates sculptures [syn: {sculpturer}, {carver},
           {statue maker}]
     2: a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near
        Phoenix and Cetus
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