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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scythe \Scythe\ (s[imac]th), n. [OE. sithe, AS. s[=i][eth]e,
   sig[eth]e; akin to Icel. sig[eth]r a sickle, LG. segd, seged,
   seed, seid, OHG. segansa sickle, scythe, G. sense scythe, and
   to E. saw a cutting instrument. See {Saw}.] [Written also
   {sithe} and {sythe}.]
   1. An instrument for mowing grass, grain, or the like, by
      hand, composed of a long, curving blade, with a sharp
      edge, made fast to a long handle, called a snath, which is
      bent into a form convenient for use.

            The sharp-edged scythe shears up the spiring grass.

            The scythe of Time mows down.         --Milton.

   2. (Antiq.) A scythe-shaped blade attached to ancient war

Scythe \Scythe\, v. t.
   To cut with a scythe; to cut off as with a scythe; to mow.

         Time had not scythed all that youth begun. --Shak.

Source : WordNet®

     n : an edge tool for cutting grass; has a long handle that must
         be held with both hands and a curved blade that moves
         parallel to the ground
     v : cut with a scythe; "scythe grass or grain"
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