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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stamen \Sta"men\, n.; pl. E. {Stamens}(used only in the second
   sense); L. {Stamina}(in the first sense). [L. stamen the
   warp, a thread, fiber, akin to Gr. ? the warp, fr. ? to
   stand, akin to E. stand. See {Stand}, and cf. {Stamin},
   1. A thread; especially, a warp thread.

   2. (pl. {Stamens}, rarely {Stamina}.) (Bot.) The male organ
      of flowers for secreting and furnishing the pollen or
      fecundating dust. It consists of the anther and filament.

Stamina \Stam"i*na\, n. pl.
   See {Stamen}.

Stamina \Stam"i*na\, n. pl.
   1. The fixed, firm part of a body, which supports it or gives
      it strength and solidity; as, the bones are the stamina of
      animal bodies; the ligneous parts of trees are the stamina
      which constitute their strength.

   2. Whatever constitutes the principal strength or support of
      anything; power of endurance; backbone; vigor; as, the
      stamina of a constitution or of life; the stamina of a

            He succeeded to great captains who had sapped the
            whole stamina and resistance of the contest. --De

Source : WordNet®

     n : the male reproductive organ of a flower
     [also: {stamina} (pl)]

     n : enduring strength and energy [syn: {staying power}, {toughness}]

     See {stamen}
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