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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stanch \Stanch\, n.
   1. That which stanches or checks. [Obs.]

   2. A flood gate by which water is accumulated, for floating a
      boat over a shallow part of a stream by its release.

Stanch \Stanch\, a. [Compar. {Stancher}; superl. {Stanchest}.]
   [From {Stanch}, v. t., and hence literally signifying,
   stopped or stayed; cf. Sp. estanco stopped, tight, not leaky,
   as a ship. See {Stanch}, v. t.] [Written also {staunch}.]
   1. Strong and tight; sound; firm; as, a stanch ship.

            One of the closets is parqueted with plain deal, set
            in diamond, exceeding stanch and pretty. --Evelyn.

   2. Firm in principle; constant and zealous; loyal; hearty;
      steady; steadfast; as, a stanch churchman; a stanch friend
      or adherent. --V. Knox.

            In politics I hear you 're stanch.    --Prior.

   3. Close; secret; private. [Obs.]

            This to be kept stanch.               --Locke.

Stanch \Stanch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stanched}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Stanching}.] [OF. estanchier, F. ['e]tancher to stpo a
   liquid from flowing; akin to Pr., Sp., & Pg. estancar, It.
   stancare to weary, LL. stancare, stagnare, to stanch, fr. L.
   stagnare to be or make stagnant. See {Stagnate}.]
   1. To stop the flowing of, as blood; to check; also, to stop
      the flowing of blood from; as, to stanch a wound. [Written
      also {staunch}.]

            Iron or a stone laid to the neck doth stanch the
            bleeding of the nose.                 --Bacon.

   2. To extinguish; to quench, as fire or thirst. [Obs.]

Stanch \Stanch\, v. i.
   To cease, as the flowing of blood.

         Immediately her issue of blood stanched. --Luke viii.

Stanch \Stanch\, v. t.
   To prop; to make stanch, or strong.

         His gathered sticks to stanch the wall Of the snow
         tower when snow should fall.             --Emerson.

Source : WordNet®

     v : stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "them
         the tide" [syn: {stem}, {staunch}, {halt}]
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