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stand up

Source : WordNet®

stand up
     v 1: rise to one's feet; "The audience got up and applauded"
          [syn: {arise}, {rise}, {uprise}, {get up}] [ant: {sit
          down}, {lie down}]
     2: refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack
     3: put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf
        up?" [syn: {stand}, {place upright}]
     4: be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire
        performance!" [syn: {stand}] [ant: {sit}, {lie}]
     5: defend against attack or criticism; "He stood up for his
        friend"; "She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of
        harassing the student" [syn: {stick up}]
     6: resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.; "Her shoes won't
        hold up"; "This theory won't hold water" [syn: {hold up},
        {hold water}]
     7: rise up as in fear; "The dog's fur bristled"; "It was a
        sight to make one's hair uprise!" [syn: {bristle}, {uprise}]
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